Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Things to do in San Francisco - The San Francisco You Missed private walking & city tour #TheSanFranciscoYouMissedUrbanTrek

Things to do in San Francisco - The San Francisco You Missed private walking and city tour by Urban Trek USA. (Note: Urban Trek USA is a one-man operation and takes only approximately 3 reservations a month so making in advance is a plus.)

The San Francisco You Missed urban trek itinerary consists of places in San Francisco that most visitors probably missed during their prior visit(s). Even at the Golden Gate Bridge, there is a spot that most visitors don't know about, but is the best place for a view, in my opinion, because it captures the essence of the Golden Gate Bridge. For first time visitors, you can skip all the usual places and experience San Francisco like a well-informed local would (i.e. Urban Trek Leader).

On the way to the first two "secret spots," you will walk through a neighborhood with some awesome examples of well-maintained Victorian houses and learn why this is one of the areas that has more Victorians that other places.

The first two places are the same as in the San Francisco Secret Spots itinerary, where you will be able to experience awesome views of San Francisco without the crowd. Check out the videos below:

(Click on video to enlarge)

(Click on video to enlarge)

After experiencing a couple of beautiful San Francisco sceneries, you will walk through one of San Francisco's desirable neighborhoods.

You will then take a bus to Tunnel Tops in the Presidio where you will have your lunch break while experiencing a gorgeous view of the Golden Gate Bridge among other things. 

(Click on video to enlarge)

Tunnel Tops in the Presidio has one permanent cafe, Il Parco (click here for their website), but depending on the day of the week, there can be one to a whole bunch of other options for food trucks/tents. Click here for a list of the regular food trucks/tents. Click here for their current schedule. (Note: There are more options on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Tuesdays seem to have the least options.)

If you prefer to have lunch in a casual indoor setting place close to Tunnel Tops, there is Colibri Mexican Bistro (click here for their website). There is also Dalida (click here for their website). Finally, there is the Presidio Bowl Bar and Grill (click here for their website) only for Saturdays and Sundays.

After lunch, you will explore other parts of the Presidio that are less popular but have awesome views. Of course, the highlight will be the "secret spot" near the Golden Gate Bridge. Check out the videos below:

(Click on video to enlarge)

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(Click on video to enlarge)

The last (maybe?) place in the itinerary will be Fort Mason, which is another hidden jewel of San Francisco. And withing this hidden jewel are more "secrets spots." 

(Click on video to enlarge)

(Click on video to enlarge)

If you feel like extending your San Francisco experience, you have the option of going to another "secret spot" in Russian Hill.
(Click on video to enlarge)

If you want Fort Mason to be the last place in your itinerary, you can be taken to Ghirardelli Square, Fisherman's Wharf or Pier 39 where you can enjoy the rest of your day on your own. Of course, if you want to be taken any place else in San Francisco, that can be done.

If you want Russian Hill to be the last place in your itinerary, it will be very simple to enjoy the rest of your day in North Beach and/or Chinatown. If you want to also explore Telegraph Hill on your own, you will be provided with detailed self-guided directions for doing so.

How to make a reservation:

  • Send an e-mail to
  • Include the date you want to reserve and the private urban trek you want to do.

Additional information:

  • Start time: 10:00 am (or mutually agreed upon time)
  • Approximate length of urban trek: 6 to 7 hours which includes one-hour lunch break.
  • To make a reservation, send an e-mail to or text message via WhatsApp and Viber 1-415-265-8229
  • Price: 1 to 4 people $210 (total) plus $15 for each additional person (Note: Price does not include the cost of your meals, but it includes the cost of Muni fares <no cable car rides>)

 Fitness level for this urban trek:

This is a little above moderate urban trek mostly because it is a whole-day urban trek (with bus rides) and a few uphill walks to get the best vantage points and being San Francisco is a very hilly city and having to go down a lot of steps and up several steps. The trails around the Golden Gate Bridge area can also be narrow and uneven (dirt trail). But there is a one-hour lunch break to relax halfway though the urban trek. Everyone has to be fit in order to walk uphill for at least one city block and can spend hours on their feet. Of course, walking will not be constant since there will be a whole lot of standing stops while you hear commentaries and short stops to admire and take photos of the scenery. Resting will be fine but it will be hard for people who cannot walk for about 10 minutes without stopping to rest to do this urban trek and enjoy it. Each stretch of walking will be approximately 10 minutes before a short standing break while the Urban Trek Leader explains or says something about the place.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Things to do in San Francisco: Let's Glow SF 2023 - Tips from Urban Trek USA #UrbanTrekUSATips

Let's Glow SF 2023 kicked off on Dec. 1, 2023 and will go on until Dec. 10, 2023 from 5:00 - 10:00 pm. This Urban Trek USA tip includes Pier 14 and the Embarcadero Center walkways as part of how to experience Let's Glow SF because they complement the video projection experience.

This video gives a glimpse of what you will experience if you follow the recommendations below:

(Click on video to enlarge)

Note: The video does not include the projection at the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange building because it has a different orientation and also the scenery from the back of the Ferry Building. Separate video/photo are provided for them.

Start by going towards the end of Pier 14 after dark. This video gives more of a panoramic view of what you will experience if you walk towards the end of the pier:

(Click on video to enlarge)

After Pier 14, head on to the back of the Ferry Building by taking the ramp (see photo below) after you pass the Pier 14 gate:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Make a left at the end of the ramp and walk until you get to the back of the Ferry Building where there's a good view with the San Francisco sign in lights:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

If you want to get something to eat or drink, the Ferry Building is a good place with all the delicious stuff vendors offer. Check their website for operating times of the vendors.

Note: This would be a good place to use the toilet before proceeding.

Head on to the plaza in front of the Ferry Building to watch the video projection. The video below is the full video of the video projection at the Ferry Building:

(Click on video to enlarge)

Head on to the Embarcadero Center and walk through the plaza towards the Vaillancourt Fountain where you will see stairs (see photo below) leading to the walkways. Go up two flights of stairs to the top:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Walk along the walkways all the way to the stairs that lead down to Battery Street. The video at the very top shows what you will experience starting from 3:21 to 7:04. 

Note: This is the sign as shown in the video showing the stairs that will lead down to Battery Street:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

When you get to Battery Street turn left (head south) on Battery Street until Market Street. Make a right on Market Street and you will see the building at One Bush Plaza where the video projection is shown. The video below does not show the entirety but is almost complete:

(Click on video to enlarge)

After, head on to the Hobart Building by walking along Market to Montgomery Street. The Hobart Building is at the corner of Market, Montgomery and Post Streets. There is a section along Post Street where you can sit and where I was sitting when I took this video:

(Click on video to enlarge)

After the Hobart Building, walk north on Montgomery Street to Pine Street and and turn right on Montgomery Street. The Pacific Coast Stock Exchange building (now Equinox) is at the corner of Pine and Sansome Streets. This is a video of the video projection there:

(Click on video to enlarge)

After the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange building, take Leidesdorff, an alley across the street from the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange building, and walk north until you pass Sacramento Street and get to an alley right after called Commercial Street. Turn left on Commercial Street and you will see the Station J building where the video projections is:

(Click on video to enlarge)

(Click on video to enlarge)

The Landing at Leidesdorff is the last Let's Glow SF video projection. From here you can walk to North Beach or Chinatown.

#LetsGlowSF #LetsGlowSF2023 #UrbanTrekUSATips #UrbanTrekUSATipsLetsGlowSF 


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Things to do in San Francisco: Cable Car Museum on Nob Hill #UrbanTrekUSATips #SanFrancisco #TuesdayTips

Today's Tuesday Tips features the Cable Car Museum on Nob Hill. This year, 2023, is the 150th anniversary of the San Francisco cable cars. The very first cable car was tested on August 2, 1873. The Clay Street Hill Railroad Company opened to the public on September 1, 1873. For the first two days, free rides were offered and on the third day passengers had to pay 5 cents. The original line was from Kearny to Leavenworth. As of today, the cable car fare is $8.00. (Note: $.05 back in 1873 would be approximately $1 in 2023.)

(Click on video to enlarge)

The Cable Car Museum is located at 1201 Mason Street (@Washington). As of right now, they are open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Cable Car Museum is FREE

Note: Make sure not to miss going downstairs as shown in the beginning of the video so you can see what goes on underneath the street. Also, watch the video <shown towards the end of the video above> because if shares a lot of interesting information about the cable cars.

If you are taking the California cable car, disembark at California and Mason and walk heading north on Mason for 3 blocks. If you take the Powell/Hyde or Powell/Mason cable car going towards the Fisherman's Wharf area disembark at Jackson and Mason and walk heading south on Mason for 1 block. If you are taking the Powell/Hyde or Powell/Mason cable car going to Union Square area, they both stop in front of the Cable Car Museum at Mason and Washington.

#SanFrancisco #UrbanTrekUSATips #UrbanTrekUSATipsNobHill #UrbanTrekUSATipsCableCar #CableCar #CaliforniaCableCar #UrbanTrekUSA

Monday, June 19, 2023

Things to do in San Francisco: Grace Cathedral on Nob Hill #UrbanTrekUSATips #SanFrancisco #TuesdayTips

Today's Tuesday Tips for things to do in San Francisco features Grace Cathedral on Nob Hill

(Click on video to enlarge)

Grace Cathedral is located on top of Nob Hill and is a beautiful Gothic architectural style building. The best thing to see is the "Gates of Paradise" doors, which is a replica of the original at the Baptistry in Florence, Italy that was done by Lorenzo Ghiberti. It is said that the term "Gates of Paradise" came from Michelangelo himself because he thought the beautiful gates were worthy to be the gates to Paradise.

Grace Cathedral has a $12 admission fee at this time if you want to see the interior architecture as well as the beautiful stained glass windows. The admission fee includes a self-guided interactive tour. They also offer a docent guided tour for $20.

(Courtyard of Grace Cathedral - click on photo to enlarge)

Another interesting this to check out are the black scorch marks on the walls (see photos below) that are remnants of the great fire of 1906 that burned the mansion of Charles Crocker that was on this land before the April 18, 1906 great earthquake and fire. 

(Click on photo to enlarge)
(Click on photo to enlarge)

Note: A good book to get with self-guided walking tours and a lot of interesting stuff about Nob Hill and other San Francisco neighborhoods is "Historic Walks in San Francisco" by Rand Richards. This is one of the most useful books I read when researching information for my Urban Trek USA walking & city tours

Click here for more Urban Trek USA tips with regard to the 150th anniversary of the San Francisco cable cars.

#SanFancisco #UrbanTrekUSATips #UrbanTrekUSATipsNobHill #TuesdayTips #GraceCatheral #NobHill #ThingsToDoSF #CalbeCar150

Updated: June 27, 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Walking from Presidio Pet Cemetery to Crissy Field then Golden Gate Bridge #UrbanTrekUSATips #SanFrancisco

Over a year ago, I posted what one would experience walking from Battery Bluff to the Presidio Pet Cemetery. I intended to post this right after but never got it done so here it is. 

(Click on video to enlarge)

Crissy Field and a trail to walk to the Golden Gate Bridge with a nice way is something one can do after the Presidio Pet Cemetery. The video above shows what you can experience walking from the Pet Cemetery to the stairs that lead to the trail to the Golden Gate Bridge. 

Here are the directions:

  • From the Pet Cemetery walk along Crissy Field Ave towards Crissy Field / Golden Gate Bridge.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • When you reach Mason St, cross to the other side where the grass is and turn left.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • Walk along the paved path along Mason St until you get to where the paved path end and the dirt path begins and the entrance to the parking lot is to your left. Follow the dirt path towards the Golden Gate Bridge.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • Follow the dirt path pass the Warming Hut. It might be a good idea to check out the stuff sold at the Warming Hut if you are looking for souvenirs. (Note: There are public toilets just past the Warming Hut. The video above show where they are as I pointed the video to their location.)
  • When you reach the fence with the big chains (shown in the video), turn left and walk towards the stairs.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • When you get to the top of the stairs, walk to the right.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • Follow the trail and make sure to stop now and then to admire the view or sit and rest on one of the benches along the way. This is a video of the view.
(Click on video to enlarge)
  • Keep walking along the path until you see this sign and walk right and follow the dirt path.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • Continue on the dirt path until you see the entrance to a tunnel and enter the tunnel.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • BE CAREFUL and MAKE SURE TO BEND as you get to the other side of the tunnel because the exit of the tunnel at the other side is a lot lower.
(Click on photo to enlarge)
  • When you get to the other side of the tunnel, this is what you will see. A nice spot to rest and relax for a while.
(Click photo to enlarge)
  • Follow the trail to the Golden Gate Bridge

Links to other self-guided directions that can be combined with this post:

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Things to do in San Francisco: Grandview Park & 16th Ave Tiled (Mosaic) Steps #UrbanTrekUSATips #TuesdayTips #SanFrancisco

Today's Tuesday Tips by Urban Trek USA a top-rated San Francisco private walking and city tour is for Grandview Park and the 16th Ave (at Moraga) Tiled/Mosaic steps.

Grandview Park in San Francisco's Sunset District is between 650 - 700 feet above sea level. The best way to get there is via the 16th Ave (at Moraga) tiled / mosaic steps if you are very fit because - per my count - there are 334 steps to climb (i.e. 162 of the mosaic steps plus 28 steps between the lower and upper part of 15th Ave plus another 144 steps to the top). 

(Click on video to enlarge)

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The sunset neighborhood is very susceptible to fog especially during the summer when most people visit San Francisco. It is also usually very windy. The photos and videos posted on this blog were taken on clear and not too windy days. How can you tell if it's foggy at this location? I would say if it is foggy at the Golden Gate Bridge then it will also be foggy at this location, although there are times when the Golden Gate Bridge is clear but Grandview Park has fog. (Tip: The best way to determine if there is fog at the Golden Gate Bridge is to visit their website as they have a 24-hour webcam to see the conditions. Click here to link to their website.)

Note: The good thing about the 16th Ave tiled steps is that there are landings wide enough for you to rest without being in the way of people to much.

VERY IMPORTANT: The good thing about resting on your way up is the opportunity to look back and see the view of the Pacific Ocean. So don't rush and take your time.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Directions on how to get to the 16th Ave tiled steps and to the Hidden Garden steps:

There are two buses that will take you close to the bottom of the 16th Ave tiled steps:

  •  The #66 Quintara bus will drop you off right at the bottom of the stairs. This bus departs from the stop at 9th Ave & Judah (Stop ID 13215). Disembark at 16th Ave & Moraga (Stop ID 13277). If you are coming from downtown, the best way to get to 9th Ave & Judah is to the the westbound N Judah Muni Metro wherever it stops and disembark at Judah & 9th Ave. (Note: The bus stop at 9th Ave & Judah is close to Golden Gate Park for it will be a good idea to visit Golden Gate Park and Grandview Park / 16th Ave tiled steps at the same time.) 
  • The #28 Daly City BART bus will drop you off at either 19th Ave & Lawton or 19th Ave & Noriega and you will have to walk 4 blocks to get to 16th Ave & Moraga. (Note: The #28 Daly City BART bus also stops at the Golden Gate Bridge. Therefore, if you are going there you can add Grandview Park and 16th Ave tiled steps to your itinerary.)

Stop and read the information board along the way before starting to climb the wooden part of the stairs.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Before you get to the summit make sure you explore the sandy path just below the summit. The section where the bend is located as shown in the photo below is the best place for a panoramic photo or video as there are no trees obstructing the view below. 

(Click on photo to enlarge)

(Click on video to enlarge)

 After you've had your fill of the scenery, take the stairs at the other side from where you went up. Therefore, do not go down the same stairs you used to go up. The stairs will lead you to 14th Ave (see photo below):

(Click on photo to enlarge)

When you get to the upper part of 14th Ave cross to where you will see stairs leading to the lower part of 14th Ave. When you get to the lower part of 14th Ave, turn left on 14th Ave and walk to 15th Ave and then turn right on 15th Ave and walk to Aloha Ave and turn left on Aloha Ave and walk to Lawton and turn left on Lawton and you will soon see the Hidden Garden steps on your right side. Refer to map below:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

You can also click on this link to Google Maps with walking directions to the Hidden Garden steps:

Go down the 15th Ave Hidden Garden steps. Since you are going down, make sure you stop every now and then to look at the beautiful mosaic tile workmanship.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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When you reach the bottom you will be at Kirkham Street. Cross Kirkham and continue walking on 15th Ave to Judah. If you want to go downtown, there is a stop at Judah & 15th Ave for the N Judah Muni Metro (Stop ID 15197) headed to Caltrain Depot. You can take the same Metro line to go near Golden Gate Park or close to Haight Street. (Note: If you want to go to Ocean Beach, take the N Judah Muni Metro headed to Ocean Beach at the Metro stop at Judah & 16th Ave <Stop ID 15198>.)

If you want to get a snack, coffee, ice cream, lunch, dinner, etc. disembark the N Judah Metro headed to Caltrain Depot at Judah & 9th Ave (Stop ID 15194). There are a whole bunch of good places along 9th Ave and also along Irving Street.

The following are my recommended places in the Inner Sunset neighborhood:

  • Pacific Catch at 9th Ave & Lincoln (1200 9th Ave)

  • Gordo Taqueria at 1239 9th Ave (between Irving & Lincoln)

  • Marnee Thai at 1243 9th Ave (between Irving & Lincoln)

  • Ebisu at 1283 9th Ave (between Irving & Lincoln) 

  • Tartine at 1226 9th Ave (between Irving & Lincoln)

  • San Francisco Homegrown Creamery at 1290 9th Ave (between Irving & Lincoln)

  • Arizmendi Bakery at 1331 9th Ave (between Judah & Irving)

  • Fresca at 737 Irving (between 9th Ave & 8th Ave)

  •  Hahn's Hibachi at 535 Irving (between 7th Ave & 6th Ave)

 There are very likely a lot more good places that I haven't tried yet.


#SanFrancisco #TuesdayTips #UrbanTrekUSATips #GrandviewPark #16thAveTiledSteps 





Friday, June 9, 2023

Best spot to sit or stand riding the California Cable Car #SanFrancisco #UrbanTrekUSATips

Click on this link to YouTube for a video of the ride segment from Drumm Street to just past Jones Street

The California cable car in San Francisco runs between Drumm Street at the Embarcadero Center to Van Ness. This particular cable car is a double ended cable car, which means it has two grips (i.e. one at both ends of the cable car). Therefore, it does not have to be turned around like the cable cars on Powell (i.e. Powell & Hyde, Powell & Mason). Hence, one can ride the California cable car from the Embarcadero to Van Ness and then back without having to disembark.

Note: Each cable car ride costs $8 -as of Feb. 14, 2024- meaning riding it from Embarcadero to Van Ness is $8 and going back is another $8 <4 years old or under is free>. My tip is cost effective ONLY when one has a Muni monthly fast pass or one of the visitor Passports which includes unlimited rides on cable cars.

Urban Trek USA Tip: Sit or stand on the left side of the California cable car and start at the station at California & Drumm Street. Make sure you are looking back most of the time especially when the cable car starts to go uphill because -as the video shows- the view is behind the cable car when going towards Van Ness. Also, as one gets higher up Nob Hill it would be good to look downhill (left side) when the cable car crosses Powell, Mason, Jones and Taylor Streets for nice views. When the cable reaches the end at Van Ness, just stay where you are because the cable car will go back without you having to disembark. This time you will be in the front and ride side of the cable car. I suggest that you do not get off until Chinatown on Grant Ave because the steepest part of this route is between Powell at the top and Grant at the bottom of Nob Hill. It's fun experiencing this steep part of the ride.

Check out this video from the kick off event held at the California cable car station at the Embarcadero Center (California & Drumm) on June 13, 2023.

(Click on video to enlarge)

#SanFrancisco #UrbanTrekUSATips #UrbanTrekUSATipsNobHill #UrbanTrekUSATipsCableCar #CableCar #CaliforniaCableCar #UrbanTrekUSA #CalbeCar150

Updated: Feb. 14, 2024